17 April 2012

Nearly there !!!

Alas I am unable to upload pictures from this computer so will have to do a fuller update some time soon.

We are now just 10 days from reaching Bluff - can't believe it!!!

We are both pretty tired and our feet hurt but we are so excited to nearly be there. 


Helen said...

I'm SO excited so can only imagine what it's like for you two. Next question To Stewart Island or Not to Stewart Island?

Julie said...

You are truly amazing and inspirational, well done! Can’t wait to read your book!!!!! Well you have to don't you?

Linda - Earthshine.co.uk said...

Thanks for the postcard. I can't believe you've nearly finished. Where to next I wonder?

Elaine said...

Fantastic progress, I can't imagine how the end is going to feel for you both, happy and sad all at once. Take care of those poor feet. Looking forward to those pictures! Elaine x

Phil said...

Thinking of you two - nearly nearly there ... I've been doing a load of hard tramping myself in fyordland and MOunt Aspiring ... see you in the uk.... Scotland - 'North to the Cape'

Denis said...

Phil - good for you kiddo, Maria would have love this :o)) Love Denis xx